Today is the 8th day Haziq at NICU... The nurse called this morning asking for milk... she said that Haziq is free from fasting today... there's only little milk for him but it is such a relief to hear the news... Haziq can't drink anything before... the only milk that he had was on the first day he was born... and a few drops of air zam zam... when we saw him this afternoon, he was a little bit active than yesterday... he opened his eyes and cried... the tube from his right hand is already removed... the nurse said that his condition is still the same... from what we see he's getting better than before... the nurse also said that Haziq will be transfered to another room today... we will be going to the hospital tonite... we just hope that there will be enough milk for Haziq tonite...
For everyone who gives us support... we thank you... May Allah bless you for your prayers... TQ all...